COVID CLOSURE: Following a pronouncement from the Minister of Education, schools will reopen on 24 January 2022, pending further official communication. Online learning is available through the platform links below.
We recommend that all pupils have access to a tablet, laptop or desktop computer for their online learning. In Year 4, 5 and 6 we strongly recommend that all pupils have their own laptop/desktop computer.
SAFEGUARDING: Please follow the following guidelines for online learning.
Parents and guardians are ultimately responsible for their child’s online safety while at home. All pupils must be fully and appropriately clothed for “live” sessions (no swimming costumes please). All staff will be in dressed in smart/casual attire when online. Children are required to be fully and appropriately clothed when photos are uploaded. The usual manners and school etiquette apply to all online and live sessions. Teachers must be addressed in the same way as they are in school and messages and emails must be polite and show good manners, as expected at school. Screen time should be limited to learning time and monitored. Please see the link for the child-friendly search engine Kiddle and use it as you see fit.