In order to ensure that students are supported along their learning pathway, we closely monitor and track their progress. At the end of each term, students from Reception to Year 6 write the PUMA and PIRA assessments from the UK for Maths and English. These assessments are based on the main learning objectives of each year's curriculum. These results then provide specific information regarding the progress of each child. Targets are then set for the following term based on these areas.
We may, where necessary, refer parents to external educational specialists for further testing. We then use these reports to inform an IEP (Individual Educational Plan) to provide additional support to the student.
At the end of the Primary curriculum in Year 6, students write the Cambridge Primary Checkpoints in English, Maths and Science. These are written in formal examination conditions, as prescribed by Cambridge, by a registered exam officer. These assessments are marked in the UK by Cambridge Assessment International Examinations. Official reports are sent back to the school and parents receive a copy of these as an official record.
Results and target-setting forms are shared with parents.